COVID19 has seen fast changing customer demands which means businesses are facing far greater expectations around efficiency and performance than ever before. As a result our team is working hard to verify that all pick ups and deliveries for the day have been carried out in a timely manner. We can often have five ‘events’ happen on a load and depending on the order in which they occur, have a number of different combinations to factor in creating the best transportation solution for our customers.

That’s why at times we call transportation ‘managing chaos’, and for our team at F&L it’s what we do well. Answering calls before and after hours to ensure a load gets picked up or delivered, fielding calls from client’s and staying back to track through shipments. These events and many more are what we do every day in order to service our customers.

I am often asked ‘Why should I use a broker when I can do it myself’, my answer is ‘Unless what you do best is shipping, you should consider using Freight & Logistics to manage your shipping and logistics functions and focus all your energy on what you do best’. Plus you will always receive personalised customer service and never have to tolerate the ‘on hold hell’ of a call centre ever again!
